Latest Corona Rules

As the number of coronavirus infections is stagnating, new rules have come into force. These include:

  • Wearing an FFP2 mask is not mandatory.
  • You will only be tested if you show severe symptoms.
  • You can visit your relatives again from Monday to Sunday between 3 and 6 pm. Please note that only 1 visitor per day is allowed.

If you have had contact with a Corona-positive person in your immediate vicinity in the last 7 days or if you yourself have symptoms typical of Corona, please contact our front desk (✆ 0331 – 280 87 0). We will then inform you about the further procedure.

The employees of Klinik Sanssouci are regularly trained in all necessary hygiene and protective measures.

For more up-to-date information on the Corona virus, please see the following pages:

The RKI answers frequently asked questions (FAQ) and issues risk assessments, among other things.
At the Federal Center for Health Education you will find information on proper behavior, including hygiene tips and answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ).

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