Dr. med. Arno Schmeling

Specialist in Surgery, Trauma Surgery and Orthopedics


Arthroscopic and open reconstructive knee surgery, ligament reconstruction, meniscus and cartilage surgery, correction of knee deformities, stabilizing patella procedures.

Range of Medical Services

Full spectrum of reconstructive knee surgery: primary and revision surgery for anterior and posterior cruciate ligament injuries and knee periphery injuries, complex ligament injuries, treatment of meniscus and cartilage damage (cartilage induction, cartilage cell transplantation), stabilizing surgery for patellar instability (primary and revision surgery), corrective surgery for knee deformities (trochleadysplasia – trochleaplasty)

Contact / Consultation Hours
Bismarckstraße 45-47
10627 Berlin
✆ +49 (0) 30 92 10 59 93
🖷 +49 (0) 30 41 46 84 1
📧 berlin@sporthopaedicum.de


  • German Knee Society (DKG)
  • German-speaking Working Group for Knee Surgery (AGA)
  • Professional Association for Arthroscopic Surgery (BVASK)
  • German Society for Trauma Surgery (DGU)
  • Professional Association of German Surgeons (BDC)
  • Since 2018, member of the Expert Committee Patellofemoral of the German Knee Society (DKG)


  • 2002 Ferdinand Sauerbruch Research Prize of the Berlin Surgical Society
  • 2003 Poster Award of the German Society for Trauma Surgery
  • 2005 AGA – SFA Poster Prize of the Foundation for the Promotion of Arthroscopy
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