Dr. med. Holm Edelmann
Specialist in orthopedics and trauma surgery
Foot and ankle joint surgery
Range of Medical Services
Ligamentoplasty operations on the foot and upper ankle joint, cartilage reconstructions on the upper ankle joint (talus), conversion operations lower leg / calcaneus, prosthetic replacement of the upper ankle joint, revision operations foot and ankle joint, fracture treatment of the foot and upper ankle joint, arthroscopy of the upper and lower ankle joint, arthroscopic treatment of cartilage defects of the upper ankle joint, surgery of all toe deformities, cartilage replacement of the metatarsophalangeal joint of the big toe, stiffening operations, revision operations
Contact / Consultation Hours
Klinik Sanssouci Consultation Center Potsdam
Helene-Lange-Straße 11
14469 Potsdam
✆ +49 (0) 331 280 87 200
🖷 +49 (0) 331 280 87 209
📧 sprechstunde@kliniksanssouci.de
move ahead – foot, ankle and sportsclinic
Gemeinschaftspraxis Dr. med. Holm Edelmann & Dr. med. Tobias Gehlen
Fachärzte für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie
Fuß- und Sprunggelenkchirurgie
in den Räumlichkeiten der Special Doctors
Friedrichstraße 58
10117 Berlin
✆ +49 (0) 30 226 053 000