Dr. med. Hubert Klauser

Specialist in Orthopedics, Surgery, Hand Surgery, certified Foot Surgeon (GFFC)


Hand surgery, foot surgery

Contact / Consultation Hours
Hand- und Fußzentrum Berlin

Dr. med. Hubert Klauser
Schlüterstraße 38
10629 Berlin
✆ +49 (0) 30 853 30 72
🖷 +49 (0) 30 854 01 881
📧 sekretariat@hfz-berlin.de

More Information

  • Team doctor of the „Sauerland-Boxer”
  • Ring doctor at ARD „Boxen im Ersten”


  • German Society for Foot Surgery (GFFC)
  • German Society for Hand Surgery (DGH)
  • German-speaking Working Group for Hand Surgery (DAH)
  • German Society for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (DGPW)
  • Professional Association of German Surgeons (BDC)
  • Professional Association of Orthopedic Surgeons (BVOU)
  • Society for Posture and Movement Research e.V. (GHBF)

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