stephan von ruediger

Dr. med. Johannes-Stephan von Ruediger

Specialist in Surgery, Trauma Surgery and Orthopedics

Surgical and conservative therapy of diseases of the foot

Range of Medical Services
Hallux valgus, hallux valgus interphalangeus, hallux rigidus, deformities of the small toes, bunions of the small toes, nerve constriction syndromes, plantar heel spur, dorsal heel spur

Contact / Consultation Hours
Spezialpraxis für Fusschirurgie
Privatpraxis Orthopädie
Kurfürstendamm 37
10719 Berlin
✆ +49 (0) 30 88 92 90 90
🖷 +49 (0) 30 88 92 90 92

More information
When does foot surgery make sense? (video in German)

  • speaker, instructor and master instructor at numerous workshops, symposia and congresses
  • since 1998 responsible for public relations on the board of the Society for Foot Surgery e.V. (GFFC)


  • Berlin Association of Sports Physicians (Berliner Sportärztebund)
  • Professional Association of German Surgeons e.V. (Berufsverband der deutschen Chirurgen e.V.)
  • Board member of the Society for Foot and Ankle Surgery (GFFC)(Vorstand der Gesellschaft für Fuß- und Sprungelenkschirurgie (GFFC))
  • Head of the working group public relations and internet of the GFFC active (Leiter des Arbeitskreises Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Internet der GFFC tätig)
  • Berlin Surgical Society (Berliner Chirurgischen Gesellschaft)
  • Working Group for Angular Stable Osteosynthesis (awiso) (Arbeitsgemeinschaft winkelstabile Osteosynthese (awiso))


  • since 2016 listed as a foot specialist in the list of doctors of the magazine “Focus” among Germany’s top physicians
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