Dr. med. Olivier Bauquis

Specialist in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery


Transsexuality surgery

Range of Medical Services
Gender reassignment surgery female-to-male and male-to-female

Contact / Consultation Hours
Consultation Center Potsdam

Helene-Lange-Straße 11
14469 Potsdam
✆ +49 (0) 331 280 87 200
🖷 +49 (0) 331 280 87 209
📧 trans@kliniksanssouci.de

More Information
„Transsexualität: Im falschen Körper“ mit Dr. Olivier Bauquis (in German, SRF)

  • Senior physician at the University Hospital of Lausanne, Switzerland
  • Co-director of the transgender network Vaud-Genève since 2017
  • Medical expert for transgender surgery
  • Stays abroad:
    2011, Montréal, Canada, Dr. P. Brassard: surgery of transsexuality
    2014, Ghent, Belgium, Prof. S. Monstrey: surgery of transsexuality
  • 2006 Start of specialization in surgery of transsexuality
  • Conference president “Transsexualité” at the Women’s Health Congress, 2012
  • Session chair: “Surgery of gender reassignment” at the annual congress of the Swiss Society of Surgery, 2013
  • Article “Gender reassignment surgery” in the Swiss Med Forum (PDF in German, 921k)
  • Article „Chaque semaine au CHUV un patient change de sexe“ in VAUD (JPEG in French, 803k)


  • Swiss Medical Association (FMH)
  • Swiss Society for Hand Surgery
  • Swiss Society for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
  • European Society for Surgery of Transsexuality
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