
Male is male and female is female! This is true for the vast majority of us – despite all individual differences. That is why hardly anyone can imagine what it means when this is not the case. In fact, according to estimates, at least 0.005% of all people are born in the “wrong body”. The reasons that lead to transsexuality (transidentity) are not yet finally researched, but much speaks for genetic (hereditary) causes.
Life as a transsexual person
For those affected, transsexuality often means severe psychological suffering, exclusion from society, as well as a long and painful path to the long-awaited surgical gender reassignment.
Transgender surgery at Klinik Sanssouci
Surgical gender reassignment procedures have been performed at Klinik Sanssouci for over 20 years.
While many clinics perform these gender reassignments in several individual surgeries, we prefer that the respective steps required for gender reassignment are combined in a single surgery (“All in One”). This reduces the duration of the entire gender reassignment and healing process.
This requires not only careful organization before, during and after surgery, but also the coordination of multiple surgical teams, as the individual surgical steps must be perfectly coordinated.
Due to the large number of gender reassignment surgeries that have already been performed at our clinic, Klinik Sanssouci can look back on a considerable amount of experience in this area – from preventive care to aftercare:
The pre-operative discussions, the preliminary examinations as well as the inpatient and also outpatient aftercare also take place in our clinic. In addition, our patients find support with many other questions on the subject of gender reassignment.
Our surgeons are renowned experts in their respective fields. Dr. Paul Daverio, who has led the transgender surgery department from the beginning, moved to a new place of work at the age of 74 after his successful work with us.
In addition, we were able to gain Dr. Jürgen Schaff, another internationally renowned surgeon, for our clinic in 2020. Dr. Jürgen Schaff had previously performed man-to-woman operations in Munich at Klinikum Rechts der Isar with great dedication and success. In doing so, he has continuously refined the classical and well-known surgical methods and developed them into his so-called combined method.
We are very pleased to be able to offer our patients an even broader range of services in the field of TS surgery with two experienced specialists in transgender surgery.